All Classes and Interfaces

Contains information about an ad category, such as its label to identify the ad content, and the organizational authority.
Contains information about ad pricing that can be used by real-time bidding (RTB) systems.
The AdSurvey is used to provide a URL to any resource file having to do with collecting survey data.
A descriptive name for the system that serves the ad.
The AdVerification is used to contain the JavaScript or Flash code used to collect data.
Information about the content which a requested ad session is to be played with, as well as information targeting the desired campaign(s).
Available content form values for ContentMetadata.setContentForm(ContentForm).
Wraps information on errors when they occur.
Core error codes.
The possible error domains.
Omid error codes.
Request error codes.
A resource containing HTML code, used by PulseCompanionAd
A resource used by PulseCompanionAd to be displayed within an IFrame.
Passed to LogListener.onLog(LogItem) under certain abnormal conditions (warnings, potential errors, and the like).
Describes the event which triggered the log item.
Describes the source of this log item.
Accepts log messages from AdRequester and Tracker.
Represents a resource file used to display a linear creative; typically a video file.
Indicates the delivery method of a given media file.
This class is used to request OMID ad session.
List of supported video event player states.
The Ooyala Pulse SDK.
This is the parent interface for PulseVideoAd and PulsePauseAd.
Describe the variant of an ad, or, whether or not it is a sponsor ad.
This is the interface for ad breaks owned by a PulseSession.
Potential errors encountered trying to play an ad.
This interface is used to handle companion banners, and notify the PulseSession about events regarding the companion banner.
This interface is used to notify the owning PulseSession about events regarding a pause ad, and provides access to relevant properties.
This interface is used to interact with an ad session.
This interface is used by a PulseSession to communicate with your application.
This interface is used by a PulseSession to communicate with your application.
This interface is used to notify the owning PulseSession about events regarding an ad, and provides access to relevant properties.
Information about the environment in which the requested ad(s) will play.
Ad break positions which can be read from PulseAdBreak.
Potential content form values used to determine the ad insertion policy.
Live parameters used to disable certain tracking, secondary lookup requests, real-time bidding requests, and/or cookie syncing for a live event.
Modes which determine how the session behaves when a viewer seeks past one or more midroll ad breaks.
A resource that is either a static image or Flash banner, an HTML snippet or an HTML page, used by Companion and NonLinearCreative.
A static resource, such as an image or Flash banner, used by PulseCompanionAd.
The Universal ad Identifier is used to provide a unique creative identifier that is maintained across systems.