Class ContentMetadata


public class ContentMetadata extends Object
Information about the content which a requested ad session is to be played with, as well as information targeting the desired campaign(s).
  • Constructor Details

    • ContentMetadata

      public ContentMetadata()
  • Method Details

    • setCategory

      public void setCategory(@Nullable String category)
      Content category is used by Pulse to target ads and determine the ad insertion policy. The content category can be represented by either its unique id or one of its aliases set in Pulse.
      category - Unique category id or alias.
    • getCategory

      public String getCategory()
      See setCategory(String) for information.
      The category, or null if none is set.
    • setContentForm

      public void setContentForm(ContentMetadata.ContentForm contentForm)
      Content form is used to determine the ad insertion policy.
      contentForm - The content form of the content.
    • getContentForm

      public ContentMetadata.ContentForm getContentForm()
      See setContentForm(ContentForm) for information.
      The content form.
    • setIdentifier

      public void setIdentifier(@Nullable String identifier)
      Content identifier, used to identify the content to third parties.
      identifier - Content identifier.
    • getIdentifier

      public String getIdentifier()
      See setIdentifier(String) for information.
      The content identifier, or null if none is set.
    • setContentPartner

      public void setContentPartner(@Nullable String contentPartner)
      Content partner; used to target ads. The content partner can be represented by either its unique id or one of its aliases set in the Pulse manager.
      contentPartner - Unique content partner id or alias.
    • getContentPartner

      public String getContentPartner()
      See setContentPartner(String) for information.
      The content partner, or null if none is set.
    • setDuration

      public void setDuration(float duration)
      The duration of the content.
      duration - The content duration, specified in seconds. A duration of 0.0f will be treated as if the value is unset.
    • getDuration

      public float getDuration()
      See setDuration(float) for information.
      The content duration.
    • setFlags

      public void setFlags(@Nullable List<String> flags)
      Flags which can alter Pulse's ad insertion behaviour. Since flags override Pulse's default, they should be used with caution. For more information please talk to your Ooyala Ad Products contact. Supported flags: nocom, noprerolls, nomidrolls, nopostrolls, nooverlays, noskins.
      flags - The flags to send.
    • getFlags

      public List<String> getFlags()
      See setFlags(List) for information.
      A list of the assigned flags.
    • setTags

      public void setTags(@Nullable List<String> tags)
      Pulse content tags, used to target specific ads or campaigns.
      tags - The tags to send.
    • getTags

      public List<String> getTags()
      See setTags(List) for information.
      A list of the assigned tags.
    • setCustomParameters

      public void setCustomParameters(@Nullable Map<String,String> customParameters)
      Custom parameters to add to the session request. Parameters with names containing invalid characters will be omitted. These parameters are added to the ad request URL in the style of "cp.[parameter_name]=[parameter_value]".
      customParameters - Custom parameters.
    • getCustomParameters

      public Map<String,String> getCustomParameters()
      See setCustomParameters(Map) for information.
      A map of the assigned custom parameters.
    • setAccountCustomParameters

      public void setAccountCustomParameters(@Nullable Map<String,String> accountCustomParameters)
      Account custom parameters to add to the session request. Parameters with names or values containing invalid characters will be omitted. These parameters are added to the ad request URL in the style of "acp.[parameter_name]=[parameter_value]". NOTE: The account custom parameter values cannot contain any spaces or any of the following characters: comma (,), semicolon (;), double quote/quotation mark ("), single quote/apostrophe ('), backslash (\), pipe (|), tilde (~), or ampersand (&).
      accountCustomParameters - Account custom parameters.
    • getAccountCustomParameters

      public Map<String,String> getAccountCustomParameters()
      See setAccountCustomParameters(Map) for information.
      A map of the assigned account custom parameters.
    • setContentProviderInformation

      public void setContentProviderInformation(String providerCode, String contentId)
      Content provider information, used to specify provider-specific information about the video content that is being played.
      providerCode - The unique content provider code.
      contentId - The unique content identifier.
    • copyContentProviderInformation

      public void copyContentProviderInformation(com.ooyala.pulse.ContentProviderInformation contentProviderInformation)
      Replace the current ContentProviderInformation with the provided instance.
      contentProviderInformation - the provided instance of ContentProviderInformation
    • getContentProviderInformation

      public com.ooyala.pulse.ContentProviderInformation getContentProviderInformation()
      The assigned content provider information.