Interface PulseCompanionAd

public interface PulseCompanionAd
This interface is used to handle companion banners, and notify the PulseSession about events regarding the companion banner.

As a minimum, the session object must be notified that the companion banner was displayed: adDisplayed().

Depending on your application, you may also need the clickthrough URL (getClickThroughURL()) to respond to viewers tapping a companion banner.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Notify the session that the companion has been displayed
    Returns a URL for a web page that should be displayed to the user when they tap the companion ad.
    The custom companion ad id set in the Ooyala Pulse UI.
    The companion's height.
    The companion ad id assigned by Ooyala Pulse.
    Returns the MIME type of the resource for this companion ad.
    Returns the URL where the companion's resource is located.
    The companion's width.
    Returns the zone identifier assigned to this companion ad.
  • Method Details

    • adDisplayed

      void adDisplayed()
      Notify the session that the companion has been displayed
    • getResourceURL

      URL getResourceURL()
      Returns the URL where the companion's resource is located.
      the resource URL for this companion.
    • getResourceType

      String getResourceType()
      Returns the MIME type of the resource for this companion ad.
      The resource type.
    • getZoneIdentifier

      String getZoneIdentifier()
      Returns the zone identifier assigned to this companion ad.
      The zone identifier.
    • getClickThroughURL

      URL getClickThroughURL()
      Returns a URL for a web page that should be displayed to the user when they tap the companion ad.
      the URL to be displayed.
    • getIdentifier

      String getIdentifier()
      The companion ad id assigned by Ooyala Pulse.
      the companion id.
    • getCustomIdentifier

      String getCustomIdentifier()
      The custom companion ad id set in the Ooyala Pulse UI.
      the custom companion id.
    • getWidth

      int getWidth()
      The companion's width.
      the width of companion.
    • getHeight

      int getHeight()
      The companion's height.
      the height of companion.