Class RequestSettings

  • public class RequestSettings
    extends java.lang.Object
    Information about the environment in which the requested ad(s) will play.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RequestSettings

        public RequestSettings()
    • Method Detail

      • setHeight

        public void setHeight​(int height)
        Set the height in pixels of the video area where ads will be shown.
        height - The height in pixels.
      • getHeight

        public int getHeight()
        See setHeight(int) for information.
        The height.
      • setWidth

        public void setWidth​(int width)
        Set the width in pixels of the video area where ads will be shown.
        width - The width in pixels.
      • getWidth

        public int getWidth()
        See setWidth(int) for information.
        The width.
      • setMaxBitRate

        public void setMaxBitRate​(int maxBitRate)
        Set the maximum bitrate of the media files in the ad response.
        maxBitRate - The maximum bitrate.
      • getMaxBitRate

        public int getMaxBitRate()
        See setMaxBitRate(int) for information.
        The maximum bitrate.
      • setAdvertisingID

        public void setAdvertisingID​(java.lang.String advertisingID)
        Set the Google Advertising ID (AAID) for this device. If RTB ads are configured in Pulse, this information will be forwarded to the DSP.
        advertisingID - The Advertising ID.
      • getAdvertisingID

        public java.lang.String getAdvertisingID()
        See setAdvertisingID(String) for information.
        The advertising ID.
      • setApplicationID

        public void setApplicationID​(java.lang.String applicationID)
        Set the application ID, in the format "com.ooyala.pulseplayer". If RTB ads are configured in Pulse, this information will be forwarded to the DSP.
        applicationID - The application ID.
      • getApplicationID

        public java.lang.String getApplicationID()
        See setApplicationID(String) for information.
        The application ID.
      • setApplicationName

        public void setApplicationName​(java.lang.String applicationName)
        Set the application name. An example would be: "pulseplayer". If RTB ads are configured in Pulse, this information will be forwarded to the DSP.
        applicationName - The application name.
      • getApplicationName

        public java.lang.String getApplicationName()
        See setApplicationName(String) for information.
        The application name.
      • setApplicationBundle

        public void setApplicationBundle​(java.lang.String applicationBundle)
        Set the application bundle name, in the format "com.ooyala.pulseplayer". The application bundle name and application ID have similar formats. If RTB ads are configured in Pulse, this information will be forwarded to the DSP.
        applicationBundle - The application bundle.
      • getApplicationBundle

        public java.lang.String getApplicationBundle()
        See setApplicationBundle(String) for information.
        The application bundle.
      • setApplicationVersion

        public void setApplicationVersion​(java.lang.String applicationVersion)
        Set the application version. An example would be "1.0.0". If RTB ads are configured in Pulse, this information will be forwarded to the DSP.
        applicationVersion - The application version.
      • isAssetFilteringDisabled

        public boolean isAssetFilteringDisabled()
        See disableAssetFiltering(boolean) for information.
        True if asset filtering is disabled.
      • disableAssetFiltering

        public void disableAssetFiltering​(boolean assetFilteringDisabled)
        Indicates whether all the media files/assets for an ad should be returned. If true, the assets will not be filtered out based on the user agent.
        assetFilteringDisabled - The boolean to disable/enable the asset filtering
      • isCacheBustingEnforced

        public boolean isCacheBustingEnforced()
        See setEnforceCachebusting(boolean) for information.
        True if cache busting is disabled.
      • setEnforceCachebusting

        public void setEnforceCachebusting​(boolean enforceCacheBusting)
        If set to false, randomized cachebusting parameters will not be added to VAST 2.0 tracking URLs which do not include the "[CACHEBUSTING]" macro.
        enforceCacheBusting - The boolean indicating enforcing of cache busting.
      • getApplicationVersion

        public java.lang.String getApplicationVersion()
        See setApplicationVersion(String) for information.
        The application version.
      • setStoreUrl

        public void setStoreUrl​(java.lang.String storeUrl)
        Set the Google Play URL where you can download the application that is using this SDK. An example would be: "" If RTB ads are configured in Pulse, this information will be forwarded to the DSP.
        storeUrl - The Google Play URL where the application can be downloaded from.
      • getStoreUrl

        public java.lang.String getStoreUrl()
        See setStoreUrl(String) for information.
        The Google Play URL where the application can be downloaded from.
      • setLinearPlaybackPositions

        public void setLinearPlaybackPositions​(@Nullable
                                               java.util.List<java.lang.Float> linearPlaybackPositions)
        A list of numbers which defines points in time when linear ads should be shown.
        linearPlaybackPositions - The playback positions to request.
      • getLinearPlaybackPositions

        public java.util.List<java.lang.Float> getLinearPlaybackPositions()
        The linear playback positions assigned.
      • setNonlinearPlaybackPositions

        public void setNonlinearPlaybackPositions​(@Nullable
                                                  java.util.List<java.lang.Float> nonlinearPlaybackPositions)
        A list of numbers which defines points in time when non-linear ads should be shown.
        nonlinearPlaybackPositions - The playback positions to request for non-linear (overlay) ads.
      • getNonlinearPlaybackPositions

        public java.util.List<java.lang.Float> getNonlinearPlaybackPositions()
        The non-linear playback positions assigned.
      • setInsertionPointFilter

        public void setInsertionPointFilter​(@Nullable
                                            java.util.List<RequestSettings.InsertionPointType> insertionPointFilter)
        A list of insertion point types which are expected in the response. If not set, all types will be requested.
        insertionPointFilter - A list containing the desired insertion point types; omitted types will not be present in the response.
      • setSeekMode

        public void setSeekMode​(RequestSettings.SeekMode seekMode)
        Determines the Pulse SDK's behaviour when the viewer seeks past one or more ad breaks. If not set, the behaviour defaults to the RequestSettings.SeekMode.IGNORE.
        seekMode - The desired SeekMode.
      • setLiveParameters

        public void setLiveParameters​(@Nullable
                                      java.util.List<RequestSettings.Live> liveParameters)
        A list of live parameters indicating which behaviours should be disabled for a live event. If an empty list is set, the behaviour defaults to the RequestSettings.Live.DISABLE_ALL. Notice that if all parameters are sent at once, then no action would be taken, i.e DISABLE_ALL would disable everything and other parameters would re-enable them.
        liveParameters - A list containing the desired live parameters; indicating what behaviour be disabled for live event.
      • setRtbPid

        public void setRtbPid​(java.lang.String rtbPid)
        Real-time bidding (RTB) persistent ID (PID) anonymizes the standard PID and, if set, will be sent in bid requests to Demand Side Platforms instead of the standard PID, to ensure the privacy of your end users' information when using Pulse Programmatic (SSP).
        rtbPid - The ID to use instead of the standard PID.
      • getRtbPid

        public java.lang.String getRtbPid()
        See setRtbPid(String) for information.
        The Persistent ID to use instead of the standard PID.
      • setRtbDcid

        public void setRtbDcid​(java.lang.String rtbDcid)
        RTB Device Container ID overrides the RTB device type detected in INVIDI Pulse, in order to request ads for a specific RTB device type. You must provide a valid value for one of the available device types as specified in the OpenRTB API Specification. For more information, see [INVIDI Pulse SDK parameter reference](
        rtbDcid - The RTB Device Container ID overrides the RTB device type detected in INVIDI Pulse.
      • getRtbDcid

        public java.lang.String getRtbDcid()
        See setRtbDcid(String) for information.
        The RTB Device Container ID overrides the RTB device type detected in INVIDI Pulse, in order to request ads for a specific RTB device type.
      • setReferrerURL

        public void setReferrerURL​(@Nullable
        Overrides the HTTP header's referrer property.
        referrerURL - The referrer URL to use.
      • getReferrerURL

        public getReferrerURL()
        See setReferrerURL(URL) for information.
        The referrer URL, or null if none is set.
      • setMaxLinearBreakDuration

        public void setMaxLinearBreakDuration​(int seconds)
        The maximum duration in seconds of linear ad breaks.
        seconds - The maximum duration of linear ad breaks to request.
      • getMaxLinearBreakDuration

        public int getMaxLinearBreakDuration()
        See setMaxLinearBreakDuration(int) for information.
        The maximum duration of linear ad breaks.
      • setMinLinearBreakDuration

        public void setMinLinearBreakDuration​(int seconds)
        The minimum duration in seconds of linear ad breaks.
        seconds - The minimum duration of linear ad breaks to request.
      • getMinLinearBreakDuration

        public int getMinLinearBreakDuration()
        See setMinLinearBreakDuration(int) for information.
        The minimum duration of linear ad breaks.
      • setGdprConsentString

        public void setGdprConsentString​(java.lang.String gdprConsentString)
        Pass in the user's URL safe and base64 encoded consent string related to GDPR regulations, which may be obtained through the Mobile In-App Consent Management Provider (CMP) API. This string is built up according to the data structure developed by the GDPR Consent Working Group under the auspices of IAB Europe. The data structure specification can be found at Consent string and vendor list formats. For more information on the API, refer to Mobile In-App Consent APIs.
        gdprConsentString - The user's URL safe and base64 encoded consent string related to GDPR regulations.
      • getGdprConsentString

        public java.lang.String getGdprConsentString()
        See setGdprConsentString(String) for information.
        Returns the GDPR, URL safe and base64 encoded consent string, if set in the integration.
      • enableGdpr

        public void enableGdpr​(boolean gdprEnabled)
        Set to true if the ad request is subject to GDPR regulations. See Implementation Guidelines for implementation guidelines.
        gdprEnabled - The boolean indicating whether or not the ad request is subject to GDPR regulations.
      • isGdprEnabled

        public boolean isGdprEnabled()
        See enableGdpr(boolean) for information.
        Returns whether or not GDPR regulations are applicable to the ad request. Note that this must be set first in the integration.
      • setGdprPersonalDataIncluded

        public void setGdprPersonalDataIncluded​(boolean gdprPersonaDataIncluded)
        Set to true if you are passing in personal information when creating the ad request to Pulse. One of the locations where it is possible to pass in personal information is in the ContentMetadata's ContentMetadata.setCustomParameters(Map).
        gdprPersonaDataIncluded - The boolean indicating whether or not the ad request contains personal data.
      • isGdprPersonalDataIncluded

        public java.lang.Boolean isGdprPersonalDataIncluded()
        Returns whether or not the ad request contains personal data. Note that this must be set first in the integration.
      • setStartAdTimeout

        public void setStartAdTimeout​(double startAdTimeout)
        Set the start ad timeout in ad response (in seconds).
        startAdTimeout - Overrides the maximum amount of time the player or integration should wait for the ad to start playback before reporting inventory.
      • getStartAdTimeout

        public double getStartAdTimeout()
        See setStartAdTimeout(double) for information.
        The startAdTimeout value.
      • setThirdPartyTimeout

        public void setThirdPartyTimeout​(double thirdPartyTimeout)
        Set the third party timeout in ad response (in seconds).
        thirdPartyTimeout - Overrides the maximum amount of time the player or integration should wait to unwrap and load a third party ad before reporting inventory.
      • getThirdPartyTimeout

        public double getThirdPartyTimeout()
        See setThirdPartyTimeout(double) for information.
        The thirdPartyTimeout value.
      • setTotalPassbackTimeout

        public void setTotalPassbackTimeout​(double totalPassbackTimeout)
        Set the passback timeout in ad response (in seconds).
        totalPassbackTimeout - Overrides the maximum amount of time the passback player should wait to find a working ad in the passback chain before moving to the last ad in the chain or reporting inventory.
      • getTotalPassbackTimeout

        public double getTotalPassbackTimeout()
        See setTotalPassbackTimeout(double) for information.
        The totalPassbackTimeout value.
      • setBreakNumber

        public void setBreakNumber​(int breakNumber)
        This is deprecated. Use midrollBreakNumber to request ads for specific midroll ad break.
        Set the breakNumber in ad response (positive integer).
        breakNumber - overrides the number of the ad break targeted by the ad request.
      • getBreakNumber

        public int getBreakNumber()
        See setBreakNumber(int) for information.
        The breakNumber.
      • setMidrollBreakNumber

        public void setMidrollBreakNumber​(int midrollBreakNumber)
        Set the midrollBreakNumber in ad response (positive integer).
        midrollBreakNumber - overrides the number of the midroll ad break targeted by the ad request.
      • getMidrollBreakNumber

        public int getMidrollBreakNumber()
        See setMidrollBreakNumber(int) for information.
        The midrollBreakNumber.
      • setLinearSlotSize

        public void setLinearSlotSize​(int linearSlotSize)
        Set the linearSlotSize in ad response (positive integer).
        linearSlotSize - overrides the number of linear ads per slot.
      • getLinearSlotSize

        public int getLinearSlotSize()
        See setLinearSlotSize(int) for information.
        The linearSlotSize.
      • setPrefetchedAssets

        public void setPrefetchedAssets​(@Nullable
                                        java.util.List<java.lang.String> prefetchedAssets)
        Define which pre-fetched assets are available on the current device. These asset ID's will be included in the ad request as 'pref_assets'.
        prefetchedAssets - A list containing asset ID's for pre-fetched assets.
      • getPrefetchedAssets

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getPrefetchedAssets()
        See setPrefetchedAssets(List) for information.
        The prefetchedAssets.
      • isPulseIntegrationLevel

        public boolean isPulseIntegrationLevel()