This interface is used to interact with individual linear video ads received from a OO.Pulse.Session.
You must notify this object of the following events:
- The ad has started: OO.Pulse.VideoAd#adStarted
- The ad playback position has changed: OO.Pulse.VideoAd#adPositionChanged(position)
- The ad has played to completion: OO.Pulse.VideoAd#adFinished
- The ad failed to play: OO.Pulse.VideoAd#adFailed(error)
Notify the session that the user has opened the clickthrough link.
Notify the session that, due to an error, the ad could not be played or that playback could not continue.
Name Type Description error
OO.PulseAdError The OO.PulseAdError that best describes the problem.
Notify the session that the ad has played to completion.
After this, one of the following delegate methods may be triggered:
- OO.Pulse.SessionListener#startAdPlayback - if there are more ads in this ad break
- OO.Pulse.SessionListener#startContentPlayback - if there are no more ads and the content has not finished
- OO.Pulse.SessionListener#sessionEnded - otherwise
Notify the session that the ad has paused.
Notify the session that the ad playback position has changed, either as a result of seeking or normal playback.
Name Type Description position
number The ad position in seconds.
Notify the session that the ad has resumed playback.
Notify the session that the ad was skipped/closed by the user.
After this, one of the following delegate methods may be triggered:
- OO.Pulse.SessionListener#startAdPlayback - if there are more ads in this ad break
- OO.Pulse.SessionListener#startContentPlayback - if there are no more ads and the content has not finished
- OO.Pulse.SessionListener#sessionEnded - otherwise
Notify the session that the ad has started playing.
Only call this method after your delegate has been instructed to play the ad through timeout).
Returns a URL pointing to a web page that should be displayed to the user when they click the ad.
The URL to be opened.
- Type
- string
Returns the underlying low-level core Ad object. Advanced use only! In most cases, you do not need this.
The underlying core Ad object.
Returns an array of media files for this ad.
Your application should choose the best media file to display based on size, bandwidth, and format considerations.
If none of the media files are supported by your video player, you should call OO.Pulse.VideoAd#adFailed(error) with OO.PulseAdError.NO_SUPPORTED_MEDIA_FILE.
An array containg the media files for the ad.
- Type
- Array.<videoplaza.adresponse.MediaFile>
The amount of seconds from the start of the ad at which the button may first be displayed.
If an OOPulseVideoAd is playing, and a call to OO.Pulse.VideoAd#isSkippable returns true, show a skip button after this amount of seconds has passed.
The amount of time in seconds which the ad must play for before a skip button can be shown, provided that OO.Pulse.VideoAd#isSkippable returns true.
- Type
- number
Determine whether or not a skip button for the ad may be displayed.
If true, check the value of OO.Pulse.VideoAd#getSkipOffset, which is the amount of seconds from the start of the ad at which the button may first be displayed.
When the viewer activates this button, call OO.Pulse.VideoAd#adSkipped.
Whether or not a skip button may be displayed after a given amount of time has passed.
- Type
- boolean
Type Definitions
Provided when LINEAR_AD_STARTING fires, used to prevent the ad from starting playback automatically.
A function which, when called, starts playback for the ad.
Returned by OO.Pulse.VideoAd~defer, used to start playback for the previously deferred ad.