new LinearCreative()
Represents a linear creative, or a linear visual element of an ad, which always interrupts or pauses the main content
while the ad is displayed.
<static> SkipButtonMode :string
Determines when to show a skip button for a linear creative.
- string
Name Type Default Description ALWAYS
string always Always show skip button.
string never Never show skip button.
string after_first_completion Show skip button if creative has previously been viewed to completion.
adParameters :string
Ad parameters which should be passed into an executable ad, such as VPAID, if present.
For more information on how to pass the ad parameters to a VPAID ad, refer to the VPAID specificationType:
- string
clickThroughUrl :string
The clickthrough URL for the creative, set in Pulse.
- string
duration :number
The duration of the creative in seconds. In some cases, third parties might
supply tickets containing empty durations; in such cases, this field will be undefined.Type:
- number
lastCompletion :Date
The last time this LinearCreative was played to completion.
If this has never happened, lastCompletion will be undefined.Type:
- Date
mediaFiles :Array.<videoplaza.adresponse.MediaFile>
List of videoplaza.adresponse.MediaFiles which belong to this creative.
- Array.<videoplaza.adresponse.MediaFile>
parentAd :videoplaza.adresponse.Ad
The Ad the LinearCreative is a part of.
sequence :number
The order in which the creative is to be displayed. If creatives have the same sequence number,
they should be displayed at the same time.Type:
- number
skipButtonMode :videoplaza.adresponse.LinearCreative.SkipButtonMode
Determines when a skip button should be shown for this ad; set in Pulse.
skipOffset :number|string
The time an ad must play before a skip button can be presented to the viewer.
- If value is a number: time in seconds from the start of playback before the skip button can be shown.
- If value is a string: textual representation of a percentage of the creative which must be played before the skip button can be shown.
Additionally, the value of videoplaza.adresponse.LinearCreative.skipButtonMode must be taken into account.
- number | string
- See:
- videoplaza.adresponse.LinearCreative.skipButtonMode
- videoplaza.adresponse.LinearCreative.duration
skipResetTime :number
Time in seconds how old a LinearCreative.lastCompletion can be before it is ignored.
- number
trackingEvents :object
Object/map where each property/key is an event with a list of tracking URLs as it value.
- object
type :string
The type of the creative.
- string
universalAdId :videoplaza.adresponse.LinearCreative.UniversalAdId
Contains information used to uniquely identify a creative across ad systems.
Type Definitions
- object
Name Type Description identifier
string The universal ad id for this creative.
string A URL for the registry in which the universal ad id is registered.