Class: LogItem


new LogItem()

Object passed to callbacks registered with videoplaza.adrequest.AdRequester.addLogListener and
videoplaza.tracking.Tracker.addLogListener when errors occur.


<static> EventType :string

Indicates which type of event a LogItem instance relates to.

  • string
Name Type Default Description
NO_AD_RESPONSE string noAd

Blank or inventory ad response received. Only dispatched during ad requests.

INVALID_ARGUMENT string invalidArgument

Unaccepted or missing arguments. Only dispatched during session and tracker requests.

INVALID_RESPONSE string invalidResponse

A request received an empty or malformed response. Potentially dispatched during all types of requests.

GENERAL_ERROR string generalError

Error with no dedicated event type. Potentially dispatched during all types of requests.

REQUEST_FAILED string requestFailed

HTTP request failed. Potentially dispatched during all types of requests.

REQUEST_TIMEOUT string requestTimeout

HTTP request timed out. Potentially dispatched during all types of requests.

REQUEST_CANCELED string requestCanceled

SDK user canceled request. Only dispatched during ad requests.

WARNING string warning

Non-fatal warning message. Potentially dispatched during all types of requests.

ILLEGAL_OPERATION string illegalOperation

The user tried to perform an operation not allowed in the current state. Only dispatched during tracker requests.

<static> SourceType :string

Indicates the origin of a LogItem.

  • string
Name Type Default Description
AD string ad

Indicates that the LogItem relates to an ad request.

SESSION string session

Indicates that the LogItem relates to a session request.

TRACKER string tracker

Indicates that the LogItem relates to a tracking request.

errorCode :videoplaza.LogItem.EventType

If available, the relevant VAST error code for this log item.


event :videoplaza.LogItem.EventType

Describes what type of event has occurred.


message :string

Detailed information about the error.

  • string

source :videoplaza.LogItem.SourceType

Describes the source of the LogItem. Depending on the source, not all fields might be set.
See videoplaza.LogItem.SourceType for which sources will set which fields.


thirdPartySourceURLs :array

The path of third party ads fetched until an error occurred; only assigned when type is AD_ERROR.

  • array

Type Definitions


Name Type Description
logItem videoplaza.LogItem

Item containing logging information.