This SDK allows you to integrate ad serving from your Pulse account into your native iOS video player application.

Please see the changelog to see what is new and changed for this version.

(if you’re building for the Apple TV, replace Pulse.framework with Pulse_tvOS.framework)

Getting Started

Download the Pulse framework and add it to your iOS/tvOS project During the startup of the video player application, you initialise the Pulse SDK and set up the connection to your Pulse account using the +[OOPulse setPulseHost:deviceContainer:persistentId:] method from OOPulse. After initialization, use OOPulse to create an OOPulseSession. The OOPulseSession has an OOPulseSessionDelegate which handles all the communication between the video player and the OOPulseSession.

When it is time to play a video ad, your OOPulseSessionDelegate will be sent an OOPulseVideoAd through the -[OOPulseSessionDelegate startAdPlaybackWithAd:timeout:] method.

Integration sample: OBJ-C