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AD - com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Source
Indicates that the item relates to an ad request.
AD_NOT_READY - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
AdCategory - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
Contains information about an ad category, such as its label to identify the ad content, and the organizational authority.
AdCategory() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.AdCategory
adClickThroughTriggered() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
Notify the session that the user has opened the clickthrough link.
adClickThroughTriggered() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Notify the session that the user has opened the clickthrough link.
adClosed() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
Notify the session that the pause ad has been closed by the user.
addFriendlyObstructions(List<FriendlyObstruction>) - Static method in class com.ooyala.pulse.OmidAdSession
This method can be used to add friendly obstructions if they haven't been sent already while creating OMID ad session using OmidAdSession.createOmidAdSession(PulseVideoAd, Context, View, String, List).
adDisplayed() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseCompanionAd
Notify the session that the companion has been displayed
adDisplayed() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
Notify the session that the ad has been displayed
adFailed(PulseAdError) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
Notify the session that, due to an error, the ad could not be displayed.
adFailed(PulseAdError) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Notify the session that, due to an error, the ad could not be played or that playback could not continue.
adFinished() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Notify the session that the ad has played to completion.
adPaused() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Notify the session that the ad has paused.
adPositionChanged(float) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Notify the session that the ad playback position has changed, either as a result of seeking or normal playback.
AdPricing - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
Contains information about ad pricing that can be used by real-time bidding (RTB) systems.
AdPricing() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.AdPricing
adResumed() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Notify the session that the ad has resumed playback.
adSkipped() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Notify the session that the ad was skipped/closed by the user.
adStarted() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Notify the session that the ad has started playing.
adStarted(float) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Notify the session that the ad has started playing and report the player volume.
AdSurvey - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
The AdSurvey is used to provide a URL to any resource file having to do with collecting survey data.
AdSurvey() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.AdSurvey
AdSystem - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
A descriptive name for the system that serves the ad.
AdSystem() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.AdSystem
AdVerification - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
The AdVerification is used to contain the JavaScript or Flash code used to collect data.
AdVerification() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.AdVerification
ALL_TRACKINGS - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.Live
Turn off everything else except all tracking.
ALREADY_TRACKED_EVENT - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core


CANNOT_TRACK_AFTER_ERROR - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
CLOSE_AD - com.ooyala.pulse.FriendlyObstruction.FriendlyObstructionPurpose
Views relating to closing an ad (e.g.
COLLAPSED - com.ooyala.pulse.PlayerState
The player has been reduced from its original size.
com.ooyala.pulse - package com.ooyala.pulse
Classes related to the Ooyala Pulse SDK.
contentFinished() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSession
Notify the session that the content has played to completion.
ContentMetadata - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
Information about the content which a requested ad session is to be played with, as well as information targeting the desired campaign(s).
ContentMetadata() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
ContentMetadata.ContentForm - Enum in com.ooyala.pulse
Available content form values for ContentMetadata.setContentForm(ContentForm).
contentPaused() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSession
Notify the session that content playback has been paused by the user.
contentPositionChanged(float) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSession
Notify the session that the content playback position has changed, either as a result of seeking or normal playback.
contentStarted() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSession
Notify the session that content playback has started.
copyContentProviderInformation(ContentProviderInformation) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
Replace the current ContentProviderInformation with the provided instance.
Core() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
CORE - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Domain
COULD_NOT_PLAY - com.ooyala.pulse.PulseAdError
The video player could not display the ad's media file.
createOmidAdSession(PulseVideoAd, Context, View, String) - Static method in class com.ooyala.pulse.OmidAdSession
This method is used to create OMID ad session and should be called before playing ad content, otherwise ad session events will not be recorded and viewable impression events will not be tracked.
createOmidAdSession(PulseVideoAd, Context, View, String, List<FriendlyObstruction>) - Static method in class com.ooyala.pulse.OmidAdSession
This method is used to create OMID ad session and should be called before playing ad content, otherwise ad session events will not be recorded and viewable impression events will not be tracked.
createSession(ContentMetadata, RequestSettings) - Static method in class com.ooyala.pulse.Pulse
Create a new Pulse ad session with the passed metadata and request settings.


DISABLE_ALL - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.Live
Turn off all tracking (except for impression and click-through tracking), session lookup requests, location lookup request, and real-time bidding requests.
disableAssetFiltering(boolean) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Indicates whether all the media files/assets for an ad should be returned.
Domain() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Domain


enableGdpr(boolean) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set to true if the ad request is subject to GDPR regulations.
Error - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
Wraps information on errors when they occur.
Error(String) - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.Error
Instantiate an Error object with the USER domain.
Error(String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.Error
Instantiate an Error object.
Error.Core - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
Core error codes.
Error.Domain - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
The possible error domains.
Error.Omid - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
Omid error codes.
Error.Request - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
Request error codes.
EXPANDED - com.ooyala.pulse.PlayerState
The player has expanded from its original size.
extendSession(ContentMetadata, RequestSettings, PulseSessionExtensionListener) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSession
Request additional ads for the ad session.


FriendlyObstruction - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
FriendlyObstruction() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.FriendlyObstruction
FriendlyObstruction(View, FriendlyObstruction.FriendlyObstructionPurpose, String) - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.FriendlyObstruction
FriendlyObstruction.FriendlyObstructionPurpose - Enum in com.ooyala.pulse
FULLSCREEN - com.ooyala.pulse.PlayerState
The player has entered fullscreen mode.


GENERAL_ERROR - com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Event
Error with no dedicated event type.
getAccountCustomParameters() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
getAdBreakType() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseAdBreak
Get the position type of the ad break within the video content.
getAdBreakType() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
condition type indicating that an insertion point should be triggered when a certain event occurs (for example, the content is about to start).
getAdPricing() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The pricing information for the ad.
getAdResponseExpiresIn() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ResponseHeader
Get the Ad-Response-Expires-In field contained in the header in seconds.
getAdSystem() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The ad system of the ad.
getAdVerifications() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The verification code used to inform ad vendor about ad playback details.
getAdvertiser() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The name of the advertiser.
getAdvertiserIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
The identifier of the advertiser to which the ad belongs.
getAdvertiserIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The identifier of the advertiser to which the ad belongs.
getAdvertisingID() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getAllLinearAds(List<PulseVideoAd>) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSessionListener
getAPIFramework() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.MediaFile
The API framework used by this media file.
getApplicationBundle() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getApplicationID() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getApplicationName() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getApplicationVersion() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getAuthority() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdCategory
The authority URL.
getBitRate() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.MediaFile
This media file's bitrate.
getBreakNumber() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getBrowserOptional() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdVerification
The browserOptional value.
getCampaignIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
The identifier of the campaign to which the ad belongs.
getCampaignIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The identifier of the campaign to which the ad belongs.
getCandidateNum() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The candidate ad number in the passback chain.
getCategories() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
The category labels identifying the ad's value.
getCategories() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The category labels identifying the ad's value.
getCategory() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdCategory
'category' code or label, if present.
getCategory() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
getChannel() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
getClickThrough() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.StaticResource
A URL of a page which should be opened when the user clicks a companion displaying the static resource.
getClickthroughURL() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Returns a URL for a web page that should be displayed to the user when they tap the ad.
getClickThroughURL() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseCompanionAd
Returns a URL for a web page that should be displayed to the user when they tap the companion ad.
getClickThroughURL() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
Returns a URL for a web page that should be displayed to the user when they tap the ad.
getCode() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error
Gets the error code of this error.
getCodec() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.MediaFile
The codec format of media file.
getCompanions() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
The companions to show along with this ad.
getCompanions() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The companions to show along with this ad.
getContentForm() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
getContentPartner() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
getContentProviderInformation() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
getCurrency() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdPricing
The price's currency.
getCustomCampaignIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
The custom identifier of the campaign to which the ad belongs; set in the Pulse UI.
getCustomCampaignIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The custom identifier of the campaign to which the ad belongs; set in the Pulse UI.
getCustomGoalIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
The custom identifier of the goal to which the ad belongs; set in the Pulse UI.
getCustomGoalIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The custom identifier of the goal to which the ad belongs; set in the Pulse UI.
getCustomIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseCompanionAd
The custom companion ad id set in the Ooyala Pulse UI.
getCustomIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
The custom ad identifier set in the Pulse UI.
getCustomIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The custom ad identifier set in the Pulse UI.
getCustomParameters() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
getDeliveryMethod() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.MediaFile
The delivery method of this media file.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The description of the ad.
getDomain() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error
Gets the domain of this error.
getDuration() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
getDuration() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The duration information for the ad.
getError() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem
Gets the error associated with the event.
getEvent() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem
Gets the event which triggered the log item.
getFlags() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
See ContentMetadata.setFlags(List) for information.
getFlashApiFramework() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdVerification
The Flash resource API framework name.
getFlashResource() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdVerification
The Flash resource.
getGdprConsentString() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getGoalIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
The identifier of the goal to which the ad belongs.
getGoalIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The identifier of the goal to which the ad belongs.
getHeight() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.MediaFile
This media file's height.
getHeight() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseCompanionAd
The companion's height.
getHeight() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
See RequestSettings.setHeight(int) for information.
getHTML() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.HTMLResource
The HTML code to render when the companion is displayed.
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
getIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseCompanionAd
The companion ad id assigned by Ooyala Pulse.
getIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
The ad identifier.
getIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The ad identifier.
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.UniversalAdId
The UniversalAdId value.
getInsertionPointFilter() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getJavaScriptApiFramework() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdVerification
The JavaScript resource API framework name.
getJavaScriptResource() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdVerification
The JavaScript resource.
getLinearPlaybackPositions() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getLinearSlotSize() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getLiveParameters() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getMaxBitRate() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getMaximumPreparationTime() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The maximum time in seconds the SDK waits for a 'lazy' (not ready) ad to load (including potential passback candidate requests).
getMaxLinearBreakDuration() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getMediaFiles() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Returns an array of media files for this ad.
getMessage() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error
Gets the error message for this error.
getMidrollBreakNumber() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getMimeType() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdSurvey
The survey type.
getMimeType() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.MediaFile
The MIME-type of this media file.
getMimeType() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.StaticResource
Asset MIME type.
getMinLinearBreakDuration() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getModel() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdPricing
The pricing model.
getName() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdSystem
The ad server name.
getNonlinearPlaybackPositions() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getPlayableAdsRemaining() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseAdBreak
Get the number of playable ads remaining in this ad break.
getPlayableAdsTotal() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseAdBreak
Get the total number of playable ads in this ad break.
getPrefetchedAssets() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getPricing() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdPricing
The price's value.
getReferrerURL() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getRegistry() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.UniversalAdId
The UniversalAdId registry's website name.
getResourceType() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseCompanionAd
Returns the MIME type of the resource for this companion ad.
getResourceType() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
Returns the MIME type of the resource for this ad.
getResourceURL() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseCompanionAd
Returns the URL where the companion's resource is located.
getResourceURL() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
Returns the URL where the ad's resource is located.
getRetryIn() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ResponseHeader
Get the Retry-In field contained in the header in seconds.
getRtbDcid() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getRtbPid() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getSeekMode() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getSkipOffset() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The amount of seconds from the start of the ad at which the button may first be displayed.
getSource() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem
Gets the source of the log item.
getStaggeringValues(ResponseHeader) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSessionListener
Called when a Pulse ad response returns, giving access to supported staggering HTTP headers.
getStartAdTimeout() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getStartTimeout() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The maximum time in seconds the end user should be allowed to wait for an ad to load before the ad must be discarded.
getStoreUrl() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getSurvey() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdSurvey
The survey's URL.
getSurvey() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
'Survey' URL, if present.
getSurveys() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The resource files containing survey data.
getTags() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
See ContentMetadata.setTags(List) for information.
getThirdPartySourceURLs() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem
In case of a failed third party request, gets path of third party ads fetched until an error occurred; only relevant when source is AD.
getThirdPartyTimeout() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getTitle() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
The title of the ad.
getTitle() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The title of the ad.
getTotalPassbackTimeout() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
getTrackingEvents() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdVerification
Get the container for this trackable's tracking events, which allows you to see if specific tracking events are available or not.
getURI() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.MediaFile
The URI where this media file can be found.
getURL() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.IFrameResource
The URL of the resource that should be loaded within the IFrame.
getURL() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.StaticResource
The URL of the asset to display.
getVariant() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
The ad variant of the ad.
getVendor() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdVerification
An identifier for the verification vendor.
getVerificationParameters() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdVerification
The verification parameters contains a CDATA-wrapped string intended for bootstraping the verification coe and providng metadata about current impression.
getVersion() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.AdSystem
The ad system version.
getWidth() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.MediaFile
This media file's width.
getWidth() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseCompanionAd
The companion's width.
getWidth() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
See RequestSettings.setWidth(int) for information.
getZoneIdentifier() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseCompanionAd
Returns the zone identifier assigned to this companion ad.


hasPassback() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Indicates whether this ad has passback ad sources available or not.
HTMLResource - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
A resource containing HTML code, used by PulseCompanionAd


IFrameResource - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
A resource used by PulseCompanionAd to be displayed within an IFrame.
IGNORE - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.SeekMode
Do not enforce midroll ad breaks to be played.
ILLEGAL_OPERATION - com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Event
The user tried to perform an operation not allowed in the current state.
illegalOperationOccurred(Error) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSessionListener
An illegal operation has occurred.
INTERNAL_ERROR - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
INVALID_ARGUMENT - com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Event
Unaccepted or missing arguments.
INVALID_RESPONSE - com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Event
A request received an empty or malformed response.
INVALID_TRACKABLE - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
INVALID_TRACKING_ERROR - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
INVALID_VALUE - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
isAssetFilteringDisabled() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
isCacheBustingEnforced() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
isConditionalAd() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
A Boolean value that identifies a conditional ad.
isDebuggingEnabled() - Static method in class com.ooyala.pulse.Pulse
Method that requests the status of the debug messages logging inside the Pulse SDK.
isGdprEnabled() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
isGdprPersonalDataIncluded() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
isOmsdkEnabled() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Indicates whether the OM SDK is enabled or not.
isPartOfAnExclusiveCampaign() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulsePauseAd
Indicates whether the ad is part of an exclusive campaign.
isPartOfAnExclusiveCampaign() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Indicates whether the ad is part of an exclusive campaign.
isPulseIntegrationLevel() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
isReady() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Indicates whether the ad is ready to be displayed, or needs to be requested form the third party ad provider.
isSkippable() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Determine whether or not a skip button for the ad may be displayed.


LINEAR_PLAYBACK_POSITIONS_IGNORED - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
LOCATION_LOOKUP - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.Live
Turn off everything else except location lookup request.
logDebugMessages(boolean) - Static method in class com.ooyala.pulse.Pulse
Set whether or not debug information from the SDK should be logged to the console
LogItem - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
Passed to LogListener.onLog(LogItem) under certain abnormal conditions (warnings, potential errors, and the like).
LogItem.Event - Enum in com.ooyala.pulse
Describes the event which triggered the log item.
LogItem.Source - Enum in com.ooyala.pulse
Describes the source of this log item.
LogListener - Interface in com.ooyala.pulse
Accepts log messages from AdRequester and Tracker.
LONG - com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata.ContentForm
Long form content.


MediaFile - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
Represents a resource file used to display a linear creative; typically a video file.
MediaFile() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.MediaFile
MediaFile.DeliveryMethod - Enum in com.ooyala.pulse
Indicates the delivery method of a given media file.
MIDROLL - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.AdBreakType
The ad break plays during the main content.
MINIMIZED - com.ooyala.pulse.PlayerState
The player is collapsed in such a way that the video is hidden.


NO_AD_RESPONSE - com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Event
No ad response.
NO_AD_RESPONSE - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
NO_SUPPORTED_MEDIA_FILE - com.ooyala.pulse.PulseAdError
The ad did not contain any supported media file formats.
NONLINEAR_PLAYBACK_POSITIONS_IGNORED - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
NORMAL - com.ooyala.pulse.PlayerState
The player's default playback size.
NOT_VISIBLE - com.ooyala.pulse.FriendlyObstruction.FriendlyObstructionPurpose
Views that are not visibly obstructing the ad but may seem so due to technical limitations


OBJECT_PART_OF_ONGOING_REQUEST - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
Omid() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Omid
OMID - com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Source
Indicates that the item relates to an omid ad session request.
OMID - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Domain
OMID_AD_SESSION_NOT_CREATED - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Omid
OMID_NOT_ACTIVATED - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Omid
OmidAdConstants - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
OmidAdSession - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
This class is used to request OMID ad session.
OmidVerificationScript - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
OmidVerificationScript() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.OmidVerificationScript
OmidVerificationScript.VerificationError - Enum in com.ooyala.pulse
ON_BEFORE_CONTENT - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.InsertionPointType
Request ads to be played before the content, or 'preroll' ads.
ON_CONTENT_END - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.InsertionPointType
Request ads to be played after the content, or 'postroll' ads.
ON_PAUSE - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.InsertionPointType
Request ads to be played when the content is paused.
onComplete() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSessionExtensionListener
Session was successfully extended.
onLog(LogItem) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.LogListener
Called whenever the object this listener is attached to emits a log message.
OTHER - com.ooyala.pulse.FriendlyObstruction.FriendlyObstructionPurpose
Views that are obstructing for any purpose not already described.


PLAY_ALL_ADS - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.SeekMode
If the viewer seeks past one or more ad breaks, all of them are played before content resumes.
PLAY_FIRST - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.SeekMode
If the viewer seeks past one or more ad breaks, the first one is played before content resumes.
PLAY_LAST - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.SeekMode
If the viewer seeks past one or more ad breaks, the last one is played before content resumes.
PLAYBACK_POSITION - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.InsertionPointType
Request midroll ads and/or overlay ads, to be played at the positions specified in linearPlaybackPositions and nonlinearPlaybackPositions respectively.
PLAYBACK_TIME - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.InsertionPointType
Request overlay ads to be displayed; based on the content duration, which must be specified as well.
PlayerState - Enum in com.ooyala.pulse
List of supported video event player states.
playerStateChanged(PlayerState) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Notify all video listeners that the native video Player State has changed.
playerVolumeChanged(float) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Notify all video listeners that the native video player volume has changed.
POSTROLL - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.AdBreakType
The ad break plays at the end of the main content.
preloadNextAd(PulseVideoAd) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSessionListener
when called, you should start preloading the given ad.
PREROLL - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.AdBreakType
The ad break plays before the main content.
PROGRESSIVE - com.ooyala.pulse.MediaFile.DeliveryMethod
Progressive delivery.
Pulse - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
The Ooyala Pulse SDK.
PulseAd - Interface in com.ooyala.pulse
This is the parent interface for PulseVideoAd and PulsePauseAd.
PulseAd.Variant - Enum in com.ooyala.pulse
Describe the variant of an ad, or, whether or not it is a sponsor ad.
PulseAdBreak - Interface in com.ooyala.pulse
This is the interface for ad breaks owned by a PulseSession.
PulseAdError - Enum in com.ooyala.pulse
Potential errors encountered trying to play an ad.
PulseCompanionAd - Interface in com.ooyala.pulse
This interface is used to handle companion banners, and notify the PulseSession about events regarding the companion banner.
PulsePauseAd - Interface in com.ooyala.pulse
This interface is used to notify the owning PulseSession about events regarding a pause ad, and provides access to relevant properties.
PulseSession - Interface in com.ooyala.pulse
This interface is used to interact with an ad session.
PulseSessionExtensionListener - Interface in com.ooyala.pulse
This interface is used by a PulseSession to communicate with your application.
PulseSessionListener - Interface in com.ooyala.pulse
This interface is used by a PulseSession to communicate with your application.
PulseVideoAd - Interface in com.ooyala.pulse
This interface is used to notify the owning PulseSession about events regarding an ad, and provides access to relevant properties.


REAL_TIME_BIDDING - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.Live
Turn off everything else except real-time bidding requests and their associated cookie syncing.
RECEIVED_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
RECEIVED_INVALID_RESPONSE - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
RECEIVED_INVALID_VALUE - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
RECEIVED_MALFORMED_XML - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
registerAdView(View) - Static method in class com.ooyala.pulse.OmidAdSession
Utility method to update ad view.
removeAllFriendlyObstructions() - Static method in class com.ooyala.pulse.OmidAdSession
Remove all registered friendly obstructions.
removeFriendlyObstructions(List<FriendlyObstruction>) - Static method in class com.ooyala.pulse.OmidAdSession
Remove registered friendly obstructions.
REPORTED_ERROR_AFTER_TRACKING_IMPRESSION - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
Request() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Request
REQUEST - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Domain
REQUEST_CANCELED - com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Event
SDK user canceled request.
REQUEST_FAILED - com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Event
HTTP request failed.
REQUEST_FAILED - com.ooyala.pulse.PulseAdError
The request for the ad's media file did not return a valid response.
REQUEST_FAILED - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Request
REQUEST_TIMED_OUT - com.ooyala.pulse.PulseAdError
The request for the ad's media file did not complete, or playback timed out.
REQUEST_TIMEOUT - com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Event
HTTP request timed out.
REQUESTED_EXISTING_INSERTION_POINT_TYPES - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
REQUESTED_EXISTING_PLAYBACK_POSITIONS - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
REQUESTED_PASSBACK_AFTER_ERROR - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
REQUESTED_PASSBACK_AFTER_IMPRESSION - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
REQUESTED_PASSBACK_BEFORE_THIRD_PARTY_READY - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
REQUESTED_PASSBACK_WHEN_NONE_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Core
RequestSettings - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
Information about the environment in which the requested ad(s) will play.
RequestSettings() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
RequestSettings.AdBreakType - Enum in com.ooyala.pulse
Ad break positions which can be read from PulseAdBreak.
RequestSettings.InsertionPointType - Enum in com.ooyala.pulse
Potential content form values used to determine the ad insertion policy.
RequestSettings.Live - Enum in com.ooyala.pulse
Live parameters used to disable certain tracking, secondary lookup requests, real-time bidding requests, and/or cookie syncing for a live event.
RequestSettings.SeekMode - Enum in com.ooyala.pulse
Modes which determine how the session behaves when a viewer seeks past one or more midroll ad breaks.
Resource - Interface in com.ooyala.pulse
A resource that is either a static image or Flash banner, an HTML snippet or an HTML page, used by Companion and NonLinearCreative.
Response - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
Response() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.Response
ResponseHeader - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
ResponseHeader() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.ResponseHeader


SESSION - com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Source
Indicates that the item relates to a session request.
SESSION_LOOKUP - com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.Live
Turn off everything else except session lookup request.
sessionEnded() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSessionListener
The session has ended.
setAccountCustomParameters(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
Account custom parameters to add to the session request.
setAdvertisingID(String) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set the Google Advertising ID (AAID) for this device.
setApplicationBundle(String) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set the application bundle name, in the format "com.ooyala.pulseplayer".
setApplicationID(String) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set the application ID, in the format "com.ooyala.pulseplayer".
setApplicationName(String) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set the application name.
setApplicationVersion(String) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set the application version.
setBreakNumber(int) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
This is deprecated. Use midrollBreakNumber to request ads for specific midroll ad break.
setCategory(String) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
Content category is used by Pulse to target ads and determine the ad insertion policy.
setChannel(String) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
The Channel name of the content.
setContentForm(ContentMetadata.ContentForm) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
Content form is used to determine the ad insertion policy.
setContentPartner(String) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
Content partner; used to target ads.
setContentProviderInformation(String, String) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
Content provider information, used to specify provider-specific information about the video content that is being played.
setCustomParameters(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
Custom parameters to add to the session request.
setDetailedReason(String) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.FriendlyObstruction
setDuration(float) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
The duration of the content.
setEnforceCachebusting(boolean) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
If set to false, randomized cachebusting parameters will not be added to VAST 2.0 tracking URLs which do not include the "[CACHEBUSTING]" macro.
setFlags(List<String>) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
Flags which can alter Pulse's ad insertion behaviour.
setFriendlyObstructionPurpose(FriendlyObstruction.FriendlyObstructionPurpose) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.FriendlyObstruction
setGdprConsentString(String) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Pass in the user's URL safe and base64 encoded consent string related to GDPR regulations, which may be obtained through the Mobile In-App Consent Management Provider (CMP) API.
setGdprPersonalDataIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set to true if you are passing in personal information when creating the ad request to Pulse.
setHeight(int) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set the height in pixels of the video area where ads will be shown.
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
Content identifier, used to identify the content to third parties.
setInsertionPointFilter(List<RequestSettings.InsertionPointType>) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
A list of insertion point types which are expected in the response.
setLinearPlaybackPositions(List<Float>) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
A list of numbers which defines points in time when linear ads should be shown.
setLinearSlotSize(int) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set the linearSlotSize in ad response (positive integer).
setLiveParameters(List<RequestSettings.Live>) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
A list of live parameters indicating which behaviours should be disabled for a live event.
setLogListener(LogListener) - Static method in class com.ooyala.pulse.Pulse
Set a listener to receive low-level log messages about errors, warnings and the like, which may be dispatched during ad or tracking requests.
setMaxBitRate(int) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set the maximum bitrate of the media files in the ad response.
setMaxLinearBreakDuration(int) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
The maximum duration in seconds of linear ad breaks.
setMidrollBreakNumber(int) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set the midrollBreakNumber in ad response (positive integer).
setMinLinearBreakDuration(int) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
The minimum duration in seconds of linear ad breaks.
setNonlinearPlaybackPositions(List<Float>) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
A list of numbers which defines points in time when non-linear ads should be shown.
setPrefetchedAssets(List<String>) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Define which pre-fetched assets are available on the current device.
setPulseHost(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.ooyala.pulse.Pulse
Initialize the Pulse SDK
setReferrerURL(URL) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Overrides the HTTP header's referrer property.
setRtbDcid(String) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
RTB Device Container ID overrides the RTB device type detected in INVIDI Pulse, in order to request ads for a specific RTB device type.
setRtbPid(String) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Real-time bidding (RTB) persistent ID (PID) anonymizes the standard PID and, if set, will be sent in bid requests to Demand Side Platforms instead of the standard PID, to ensure the privacy of your end users' information when using Pulse Programmatic (SSP).
setSeekMode(RequestSettings.SeekMode) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Determines the Pulse SDK's behaviour when the viewer seeks past one or more ad breaks.
setStartAdTimeout(double) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set the start ad timeout in ad response (in seconds).
setStoreUrl(String) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set the Google Play URL where you can download the application that is using this SDK.
setTags(List<String>) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata
Pulse content tags, used to target specific ads or campaigns.
setThirdPartyTimeout(double) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set the third party timeout in ad response (in seconds).
setTotalPassbackTimeout(double) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set the passback timeout in ad response (in seconds).
setView(View) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.FriendlyObstruction
setWidth(int) - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings
Set the width in pixels of the video area where ads will be shown.
SHORT - com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata.ContentForm
Short form content.
shouldShowCountdown() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseVideoAd
Indicates whether to show a remaining time countdown while this ad is being displayed.
showPauseAd(PulsePauseAd) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSessionListener
When called, you should display the provided pause ad.
startAdBreak(PulseAdBreak) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSessionListener
When called you should pause playback of the content (if it was playing), and prepare your user interface for video ad playback.
startAdPlayback(PulseVideoAd, float) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSessionListener
When called you should start playback of the given ad.
startContentPlayback() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSessionListener
When called you should start (or resume) playback of the content.
startSession(PulseSessionListener) - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSession
Start the ad session.
StaticResource - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
A static resource, such as an image or Flash banner, used by PulseCompanionAd.
stopAdBreak() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseAdBreak
Forcefully stop the ad break.
stopSession() - Method in interface com.ooyala.pulse.PulseSession
Forcefully stop the session.
STREAMING - com.ooyala.pulse.MediaFile.DeliveryMethod
Streaming delivery.


TIMED_OUT - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Request
toString() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error
toString() - Method in class com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem
TRACKER - com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Source
Indicates that the item relates to a tracking request.


UniversalAdId - Class in com.ooyala.pulse
The Universal ad Identifier is used to provide a unique creative identifier that is maintained across systems.
UniversalAdId() - Constructor for class com.ooyala.pulse.UniversalAdId
UNKNOWN - com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata.ContentForm
Unknown content form.
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Request
USER - Static variable in class com.ooyala.pulse.Error.Domain


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata.ContentForm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.FriendlyObstruction.FriendlyObstructionPurpose
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Event
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Source
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.MediaFile.DeliveryMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.OmidVerificationScript.VerificationError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.PlayerState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.PulseAd.Variant
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.PulseAdError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.AdBreakType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.InsertionPointType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.Live
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.SeekMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.ContentMetadata.ContentForm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.FriendlyObstruction.FriendlyObstructionPurpose
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Event
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Source
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.MediaFile.DeliveryMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.OmidVerificationScript.VerificationError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.PlayerState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.PulseAd.Variant
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.PulseAdError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.AdBreakType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.InsertionPointType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.Live
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.ooyala.pulse.RequestSettings.SeekMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VARIANT_NORMAL - com.ooyala.pulse.PulseAd.Variant
A normal ad.
VARIANT_SPONSOR - com.ooyala.pulse.PulseAd.Variant
A sponsor ad.
VERIFICATION_NOT_SUPPORTED - com.ooyala.pulse.OmidVerificationScript.VerificationError
VERIFICATION_RESOURCE_LOAD_ERROR - com.ooyala.pulse.OmidVerificationScript.VerificationError
VERIFICATION_RESOURCE_REJECTED - com.ooyala.pulse.OmidVerificationScript.VerificationError
VIDEO_CONTROLS - com.ooyala.pulse.FriendlyObstruction.FriendlyObstructionPurpose
Views related to interacting with a video (e.g.


WARNING - com.ooyala.pulse.LogItem.Event
Non-fatal warning message.
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