Interface PulseAdBreak

public interface PulseAdBreak
This is the interface for ad breaks owned by a PulseSession. An ad break is a collection of ads that are to be displayed in sequence. This interface is used to request information regarding the ad break, or to forcefully stop the ad break.
  • Method Details

    • getPlayableAdsRemaining

      int getPlayableAdsRemaining()
      Get the number of playable ads remaining in this ad break.
      The number of ads remaining.
    • getPlayableAdsTotal

      int getPlayableAdsTotal()
      Get the total number of playable ads in this ad break.
      The total number of playable ads.
    • stopAdBreak

      void stopAdBreak()
      Forcefully stop the ad break. This may be called at any time while the ad break is active.

      After the ad break is stopped the session continues with PulseSessionListener.startContentPlayback(), or PulseSessionListener.sessionEnded() if the content has already finished.

    • getAdBreakType

      RequestSettings.AdBreakType getAdBreakType()
      Get the position type of the ad break within the video content.
      RequestSettings.AdBreakType The position of the ad break.