Class Pulse


public class Pulse extends Object
The Ooyala Pulse SDK. This class is used to request ad sessions from Ooyala Pulse. An ad session contains all the ads that will be played along with a specific piece of content.

When your application has content which it wants to display alongside advertisements, it requests a new ad session using this class. (See PulseSession.)

  • Method Details

    • setPulseHost

      public static void setPulseHost(String host, String deviceContainer, String persistentId)
      Initialize the Pulse SDK

      This method must be called before requesting any ad sessions.

      host - The Ooyala Pulse hostname for the client account being used.
      deviceContainer - The Ooyala Pulse device container, if any; can be null.
      persistentId - The Ooyala Pulse persistent user id, if any; can be null.
    • setLogListener

      public static void setLogListener(LogListener listener)
      Set a listener to receive low-level log messages about errors, warnings and the like, which may be dispatched during ad or tracking requests.
      listener - A LogListener which is called with the log messages.
    • createSession

      public static PulseSession createSession(ContentMetadata contentMetadata, RequestSettings requestSettings)
      Create a new Pulse ad session with the passed metadata and request settings.
      contentMetadata - Information about the content along with which the requested ads are to be displayed.
      requestSettings - Information about the environment in which the ad will play.
      An object conforming to the PulseSession interface.
    • logDebugMessages

      public static void logDebugMessages(boolean enableDebugMessages)
      Set whether or not debug information from the SDK should be logged to the console
      enableDebugMessages - true if debug messages should be logged; false otherwise.
    • isDebuggingEnabled

      public static boolean isDebuggingEnabled()
      Method that requests the status of the debug messages logging inside the Pulse SDK.
      true if debug messages are enabled; false otherwise.